
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


You can do it.
You can run.
Running in
a marathon.

Running with all
your friends.
You will make it
to the end.

    I learned a new poetry form this week.  It is a Jody.  I learned about this from reading the facebook page of my friend Malaika King Albrecht,  she is editor of an e-zine Red Headed Step Child.  Evidently a Jody is a poem of encouragement that is used with runners, (so the poem needs a strong cadence rhythm) to urge the runner home to the finish line.
   I love learning about new forms, so I had to give this a try.  Here is a short Jody.  Thhis got me thinking that we all need encouragement, so maybe we need more encouraging poems.  Can you write a poem of encouragement today?  I thought if you know someone doing NaNoWriMo, or PiBoWriMo that person might need some encouragement, so lets try for positive poems.  If you'd like to share your creation, please leave it in the comments.

   Oh yes, I promised some good news today.  I went to the Arizona State Poetry Society meeting yesterday.  I won several prizes in their annual contest.  I won a first and a third place in the cinquain category.  (Can I call myself a cinquain expert now?)   My friend and critique partner,  Bridget Magee won an honorable mention for her cinquain and a second place in another category.  Bridget is the person who encouraged me to start this blog and you can read her poems at Wee Words for Wee Ones.  Congratulations Bridget.


  1. And I say Congratulations, Joy. Could you post your winning poems? How wonderful that your friend encouraged you to start this blog and you are encouraging others to discover hers. True friends!

  2. yes, Linda. Eventually I will share my winning poems, but the Arizona St5ate Poetry Society gets to publish them first. so I'll wait until I see their publication SANDCUTTERS, before I post the poems here. One of the poem categories was for poems already posted or tweeted, and so you've already seen the poem about the clinckety-clackety old wagon. And one of the poems THE LONG GOODBYE is about a military couple saying good bye in the airport--it may not be of interest to children, so I may skip posting that one. Thank you for asking about the poems.
