A hawk swoops low
and I want to know
what it is like
to be a hawk.
My heart
wants to soar high
to see the sky
with my arms
open wide
flying on a breeze.
To see the world
from the hawk's
point of view.
To lift
and slide.
To g
I started counting the birds I saw on my morning walk. Quail, dove, cactus wren, goldfinch, gila wood pecker, hummingbird, phainopepla . And as I was busy cataloguing the birds I know, overhead soared a hawk. Oh, it looked so graceful. I think it was out scouting for breakfast. And then in a heartbeat, I heard the coyotes in the canyon yipping up a racket. They must have found something to eat for breakfast too. It was a great morning!
If you could be any bird of your choice, what would you be? Can you write a poem about the bird? Have fun writing.
A hawk must have many stories to share.