
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Kauai Sunrise

The sun pauses
the mountain peak
Sleeping Giant,
like a cue ball
it hesitates
before slowly rolling
away from its pocket.
Reds, yellows, oranges,
even purple lights
shoot up
streak around the clouds
I feel I am rising
into this glorious morning.
I am a Kauai chicken
my lungs swell
ready to crow. 

This poem uses a simile.  Look for the word "like" to find it. How has the simile been extended in this poem?  There is also a metaphor.  "I am a Kauai chicken." What is your weather like today?  Can you try writing your own poem using similes and metaphors?  What if you wrote a persona poem from the voice of your weather?  Have fun writing, and as always, if you want to share your poem, please include it in the comments below.  I love reading your work.
Remember, according to COPPA rules, you must be over 13 years old in order to leave a comment.  If you are younger than 13, you can have a parent of teacher leave the comment for you.
Have a super day writing.

Poetry Friday Roundups
My schedule shows the Poetry Friday Roundup is hosted by Laura Purdie Salas this week.  Thank you, Laura, for hosting us. You can find more posts about children's poetry on her blog at http://laurasalas.com/poems-for-teachers/

Make all your days glorious in the Paradise of your creation.


  1. I can hearing you crowing! Beautiful images in this welcome to the morning.

    1. Hey Doraine, believe it or not, I hadn't thought about that. I've written an abaude.
      Thank you for the oil you've helped me discover in my own back yard. Cool.

  2. What a beautiful poem and a beautiful sunrise!Love your drawing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Joan. I had a lovely discussion with author Terry Pearsun this weekend, with the point being any time we hurt or unkind to someone, we are actually harming and hurting ourselves, since we are all connected. For some reason, it made me think about the kind, caring, supportive person you are.

  3. Terrific poem and art. I love the figurative language you chose. Joy, continue to crow loud and strong! Let your happiness be heard!

  4. Your sights and sounds of Kauai are glorious, Joy!

    1. Hey Bridget,
      I saw a pheasant, big bird, hunting in the grass on my neighbor's hill today. I wish you were here to see it so we could write pheasant poems together.
