
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A walrus wore
an evening suit.
He walked the beach
and he looked cute.

He searched the sands
for perfect shells.
And for stories
he could tell.

He looked for a friend
so they'd be a pair
and his stories
he could share.

    Do you know what an evening suit is?  It is a dinner suit and also called a tuxedo.
So a walrus dressed in a tuxedo, might look very cute. Do you ever wonder what a penguin would look like in an evening suit?  How crazy!  If you were going to dress animals, what would a giraffe wear, or a camel?  How about a pig?

    Linda Baie is the hostess with the mostess for our Friday Poetry Roundup today, you can find her post and links to almost 40 other children poets on her bog TeacherDance today.  Thanks, Linda for throwing the party this week.  It is a dandy good time.  And thank you for your day after Halloween poem.  My sister has been bugging me about writing a poem for what happens to all the Halloween costumes, decorations, etc. on the day after.  Now I can point her in the direction of your excellent poem.  Thank you for writing it.  I enjoyed the reading.


  1. Stories are always better shared! Wonderful whimsical poem, Joy.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I agree, sharing always makes food, stories, life--more fun.

  2. We always think of penguins in tuxedos, but I love the idea of a walrus wearing a suit! So cute!

    1. See, you can't help but rhyme either. You are a children's poet. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Happy to see you here, and linked up, Joy! You have the most fun ideas, Joy. Wouldn't kids just love this, or trying to write one themselves about an animal? I'm glad you added to the whimsey with the sharing stories too, all good! Thanks much!

  4. I could totally picture this walrus!

  5. Tee hee! A walrus is a perfect candidate for wearing an evening suit, especially if it includes a top hat and cane!

    1. Absolutely, no evening suit is complete without the spats, cane and folding top hat. It is so much fun to make those pop up and collapse. I used to have two top hats I'd take to share with the primary school children when I'd do programs with them. So much fun.
