
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


said the cow
as she came over.

I'm tired of clover." 

she cried, 
turning her horn.

"I wish I had
a field 
of corn."

I met this cow in the field across from a new friend's house.  Don't you think there is a lot of personality here?  Look at the two cow pictures.  What do you think the cow wants you to know?  What is the cow thinking?  Does this cow have a name?  Can you write your own cow poem today?  Have fun writing.

Eat your vegetables. 


  1. Ha! She certainly has personality, and "voice" thanks to your poem. Just came from Tabatha's, where she wrote about Marguerite, Countess of Blessington (1789-1849). So maybe instead of "Bossie," I'd call this one "Blessie."

    1. Robyn,
      I want my own cow so I can call her Blessie. How clever! Think of all the adventures Blessie can have and the friends she will me on them. And how happy she will be when she comes home to roost. Ah, if I think on this there must be a picturebook about the cow who wanted to be a chicken.

  2. Oh my, this is so cute, Joy. You are making so many connections already, & this time to a dear cow. Perhaps she wants a scratch behind the ear?

  3. Yes, lots of personality. She wants to know what kind of food I have to share. She tells me her name is Louise. :)

    1. Louise the cow, she is best friends with Blessie. Can you guess what their favorite flavor of ice cream is?
      Louise is a name with lots of personality.

  4. You certainly captured her personality in your poem. As I look at the photos and let my imagination go...
    There are strange goings-on at the farm next door and I think this cow has an eye out for clues. Meet Detective Daisy.

    1. Absolutely, thank you Penny, this suggestion is going to pull an old pb ms out of the drawer and add a new twist. Love it.
      Blessie and I thank you.

    2. Yay! Best of luck on the new twist :-)

  5. Mooove over poets--Joy is in her element! Such a fun poem and photo! You are so much fun! Your cow friend probably wants to join you on the other side of the fence.

  6. What fun, Joy! And the pictures are a perfect match for the cow's attitude.

    1. Actually Violet, the pictures came first, then the silly poem. Normally I would have deleted the nose-in-your-face photo because it wasn't what I was aiming for when I took it. But when I saw what I had, I decided to make something fun of it. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
