by Joy Acey
Princess of Poetry
Jingle, jangle,
keys on a ring.
To the house,
the car,
or anything.
Jingle, jangle,
can you hear
the keys
Now let's see if I can get this to work. It is supposed to be titles and the Princess of Poetry reading KEYS from The Poetry Friday Anthology. If I can't get this to work, I have also sent this video to Renee Latulippe to use in the video library on her blog NO WATER RIVER. So as soon as I know where, I'll put the link here.
Don't you love how the sun burst on my tiara is like the sun burst on the Anthology cover? And my hair color almost matches the color of the cover of the book. You had better believe I'm having fun with this. Some things do work out right.
Copies of the Poetry Friday Anthology can be ordered from Amazon or directly from the publisher Pomelo Press.
thanks to Amy VanDerwater for hosting this Poetry Friday roundup at the poem farm.