
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


copyright 2014, Joy Acey

A monkey sat
and stared at me.
I wondered what he
thought he'd see.

He chattered, chirped.
I heard him cry.
This monkey was
one noisy guy.

Did he want my peanuts
to take away?
Or was he just asking
me to come play?

   My drawing is of a velvet monkey, which is very common in Kenya.  They may gather in groups of 30 or more and are equally adapt in trees or on the ground.  I saw one of these monkeys just outside my tent.  He stole my little package of M&Ms, the rascal and then came to the tent flap and stared at me like he was begging for more.  The velvet monkey has a black face and black hands and feet.
If the monkey could write a poem in his voice, what do you think he'd say to me?  Have fun writing your poem today.


  1. This is very cute. Sounds like you had a good time at the zoo.

    1. Not the zoo, Rosi. I just got home from a two week trip to Kenya where I went on safari and saw all the animals up close and personal. I slept in tents under mosquito net, hand fed giraffes and black rhino. I scratched the back of an elephant and had a marvelous time. I learned so many things and increased my respect for Kenyans and all their wild animals.

  2. The monkey stole his way into my heart and well as you M&Ms. Thanks for sharing your story and illustration.
