
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


A banana, a mango,
I'm off to the rodeo.
I'm taking a picnic lunch.

I don't know where it's at,
but I'm taking a lariat,
and planning on fun, a bunch.

I'll laugh at clown faces,
watch fast barrel races,
and sit in the stands on a slope.

I'll see bucking broncos,
a group playing banjos,
and cows hog-tied with a rope.

I'll watch steers rush from the gate.
I can hardly wait,
and I won't 
be home 
until late.

     Rodeo Days is a big holiday event in Tucson--a great part of the town's heritage.  There is a big western parade with lots of wagons and horses.  Children get out of school.  Cowboys come from all over to try their hand at the rodeo events.  Have you ever gone to a rodeo?
     What is your favorite holiday?  Can you write a poem about that day?


  1. How funny. I have a post on my blog today reviewing a delightful picture book about rodeos. I like the form of your poem. Is this a particular form or just what came into your head? It's a fun poem. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. This is just what came into my head, but I do believe it is a recognized form. I need some time to dive into my form book and see what form I was writing in. It started as a change with the banana and mango and I felt so proud of myself when I rhymed it with rodeo and from there the thing just took on a life of its own. Pretty sloppy, I know, so please let's keep it our secret.
