
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Five Cats

This cat went to the cat show.
This cat stayed in his crate.
This cat watched the gold fish.
This cat ate and ate.
This little cat, the smallest cat of all
mewed, and mewed, and mewed
at her empty plate. 

     If this poem sounds a lot like the children's nursery rhyme, it is because it is modeled after THIS LITTLE PIGGY, the toe-counting bedtime rhyme.  You can take any animal and write your own poem to fit the toes.


  1. Joy,
    You have great ideas to share with kids. I hope you have some workshops booked for them.

  2. Thanks Linda,
    I haven't gotten the workshop nut cracked in Tucson yet but I did do a performance at a retirement center yesterday. It really is fun sharing poetry with folks of all ages.
