
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thank You

     Yesterday at about 7:00 PM, the 40,000 page view of my blog occurred.  Thank you very much for coming by for a visit.  If you follow me regularly, you have my gratitude.  It is so much fun for me to have you read my poetry.  I appreciate all your help with my blog.  Thank you for giving me a reason for writing my poems. 
     If you have a topic that you think would make for a good poem for children, just leave me a note in the comments and I'd be happy to give it a try. 
     If you know of someone who needs a poem, I'll give that a try too.
     Finally, if you want to share your own poem for children, please leave your poem, or a link to where you've posted your poem, in the comments below.


Let's celebrate
and have a party.
Let's sing and dance
and eat very hearty.

Let's give out hugs
and shout a cheer.
40,000 visitors
have come here.

     Today, let's celebrate you.  What are the good things about being you?  Can you write a poem about that today?


  1. Congratulations, Joy. Imagine that 40,000 visits! Nice to celebrate & in a poem too. I liked yesterday's poem, celebrating 'you' also. Have a nice week!

  2. Linda,
    Thank you. I hope you are celebrating being you too. How is your new home? What is your writing space like? Have you written any poems about that?

  3. HI Joy,

    So happy for you!!!! Way to go--fantastic numbers! Don'g leave us! You're loved.

    I made a suggestion for the dog-one line in an earlier poem. Let me know what you think.

    1. Linda,
      Thank you so much. You have been there encouraging me all the way. Yes, your suggestion for the change for "dog-gone" was good, I'm still thinking about that though. I think children would have fun saying "dog-gone." I really appreciate your help with my poetry.

  4. HI Joy,
    Oops! I meant to say, "Don't leave us."

    Could you pass the cupcakes please? I'd like one that looks like a cactus with toothpick quills. That would make me feel like I'm there celebrating in Arizona with you. Maybe others can describe the cupcake they would prefer.

    1. Now there is a great idea! I'm going to work on a cupcake poem.
      This could make a great exercise for children. You could cut paper shapes of cupcakes and have children write their poem on the paper cake shape. Then the children could perform a group cupcake poem or recite their cupcake poem. And of course there would have to be real cupcakes for everyone one when you were done.

  5. Congrats, Joy! A tiramisu cupcake for me, please. I have a bird on my shoulder at the moment and I can hear her chewing on my hair. She likes to burrow into my hair like it's a nest. Maybe I should write a poem about that! Or you can :-)

    1. I'll tell you what, Tabatha, we can each write a poem. I'd really enjoy writing a children's poem for your new beautiful family member.
      I like the idea of a tiramisu cupcake. It makes me hungry. I'll bet Jama Rattigan even knows how to make them.
