
This is my playground for poetry written for children with ideas and inspiration for writing your own poems. Come on in. Sit for a spell, have a cup of words to swirl around and make your own cup of poetry. I'm so glad you are here. I hope you'll find the Kingdom of Poetry a fun place to be.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Zipper Ewe

The Zipper Ewe
lives at the zoo.
It runs and jumps
and bounces, too.

It climbs on rocks
to eat old socks.
It loves cream pie
and leaps up high.
It slurps beef stew
and marshmallows too.

It does all this
to entertain you,
when you come
to visit the zoo--
the funny Zipper Ewe.

    Some days I just want to be silly, so I wrote a nonsense poem.  The Zipper Ewe is an animal I made up.  What do you think it looks like?  I think it is a sheep with lots of zippers.  Can you make up your own animal today?  Can you write a poem about it?  Have fun and I hope you can be a little silly today too.


  1. Hi Joy,
    This was so much fun to read. Your silly style reminded me of Shel Silverstein. Thanks for the chuckles. How about one with buttons? Bows?

  2. Linda,
    I actually wrote a poem about a flea with buttons when I was 12 years old. You'd have thought I would have figured out much earlier that I should be writing poetry. I do have so much fun with it.
    I loved your post this month. Did I mention that the patron saint for dentistry Saint Dapiacle has his saint day this month. I always loved the feel of "dap-i-acle" in my mouth, and yes that is a pun.
